

  1. 答:I am a student of university, studying my specialized subject and think about my future. When I entry this university and studying. I think the specialized subject is very difficult to me .In the past, English learning is in a simple level .We studying the conversations, words, grammars and so on. But now, we must know about business more and more. The grammars is have no importance for us now. We must learn more difficult specialized subject knowledge that can improve our business English. And during this month’s learning. I think my oral English have a little raise. So I will try my best to do everything well and insist on my owner dreams.
    记得采纳 正在做系统任务!帮帮忙!
问:谈谈你对学习英语的感受 英语作文
  1. 答:总的来说我学习英文的过程就是在培养语感的过程,本人并不是很注重语法,例如每天抱着语法啃之类的。那对于我来说是很枯燥乏味的,也会降低我对英文的兴趣。还有我喜欢背点经典的句子,常见的短语,对写作文真的很有帮助。现在考试的作文一般都是那些模式,只要把开头,连接词,结尾弄好一般都是高分。听英文歌,阅读英文杂志也是学习英语的良好途径,语感往往是最重要的。不是外国人都说:“学习语法就是为了忘记语法。”留学回来的人都有一个共同的观点,语感占了英语的大部分。良好的语言坏境比你背那些框框架架有用的多。
  1. 答:Learning English is very easy.At least I think so.If you want to study English well,the first thing you need to do is read many English books.Second,you should practice every day.No pains,no gains,you know.You will study English well if you do as what I said.
  2. 答:心得体会
    英 [iksˈpiəriəns] 美 [ɪkˈspɪriəns]
    n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历;
    vt. 亲身参与,亲身经历; 感受; 发现;
