

问:求一篇英语作文,关于该不该给孩子留下财富 急急急
  1. 答:Should parents leave wealth for their children
    It is certain that all the parents hope that their children can lead better lives.So should they leave money for their children?This has e a problem that we should consider.
    Everyone knows that money is everything,we can do more things essfully if we have more money.However,if children have much money,it may course many disadvantages,such as having no aims,doing meaningless things or even bad things.
    As far as I am concerned,what should we do depend on how our children are,if children are hard-working and have their dreams ,give money to them.If not,don't give.
  2. 答:Should or not college students live alone.
    That should or not college students live alone is now a well discussed issue. A group of student hold the positive point but the others are against that.The two sides both express their reasons well.While my opinion is just between the two sides.My view is that living alone or living in the collectivity depend on your own personal situations.If you are way a quiet man and like to be independence than you could just be a single man. If you do feel lonely and want have some connections with your classmates you could just be in the dormitory.I do not appreciate that living alone or not cares too mush and I take it as a simple question. So that is all
问:英语作文 该不该给孩子留下财富
  1. 答:Should parents leave wealth for their children?
    It is certain that all the parents hope that their children can lead better lives.So should they leave money for their children?This has e a problem that we should consider.
    Everyone knows that money is everything,we can do more things essfully if we have more money.However,if children have much money,it may course many disadvantages,such as having no aims,doing meaningless things or even bad things.
    As far as I am concerned,what should we do depend on how our children are,if children are hard-working and have their dreams ,give money to them.If not,don't give.
  1. 答:父族凯唤母的财富足够多,给孩子留下财产是很正常的,总不至于把这些财孙亩产兆凯送给外人。当然送的财产一定要做好管理工作。
  2. 答:可以适当地给孩子留一些,毕竟你最后留下的东西大部分都是属于孩子,这也是法律规定,除非你自愿捐款
  3. 答:给孩子搭建一个好的平台,而不是让孩子一劳永逸,或者不劳而获。
  4. 答:目前不可以,现在应都给孩子精神财富,
